Medicare Explained

If you’re close to turning 65, it’s important that you have an understanding of the coverage available to you, especially with Medicare. That’s where Toni Buffington Medicare Solutions can help!

So, what is Medicare?

Medicare is a federal health insurance program for seniors ages 65 and above, and those with disabilities who are under 65.

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How Does Medicare Function?

Medicare isn’t a standalone health insurance plan, but rather a series of individual insurance types known as Parts. These can be purchased individually, but it’s a good idea to at least have Part A and Part B. These are the options:

Part A
Hospital Insurance

Part B
Medical Insurance

Part C
Medicare Advantage

Provides Part A and B coverage. May also include:

Part D
Prescription Coverage

How Does Enrollment Work?

To enroll in Medicare, you need to do so in one of the Medicare enrollment periods. The first period you can use is the Initial Enrollment Period. This period begins three months before your 65th birthday month and ends three months after.

If you do not sign up for Part A or Part B when you first become eligible and you do not qualify for a Special Enrollment, you can sign up for Medicare during the General Enrollment Period. Your coverage will begin on July 1, and you will most likely have to pay a late enrollment penalty.

You can also enroll in Part C and D during the Annual Enrollment Period, which lasts from October 15 to December 7.

Call Us Today To Learn More!

Toni Buffington Medicare Solutions is your go-to for everything related to Medicare. We will provide the information that can help you get the best possible plan for you and your needs. At Toni Buffington Medicare Solutions, you’re getting the best from the best. Give us a call today!