Medicare vs. Medicaid

While Medicare and Medicaid sound like very similar programs, they do have their differences! Let’s go over how these two programs compare to one another.

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Similarities and Differences

Can I Have Both?

Yes, if you qualify for both, you can have Medicare and Medicaid together. This is known as being dual eligible. When you receive your care, Medicare will cover all that it can first. After that, Medicaid covers its share. Qualifying for both of these programs also gives you a chance to enroll in a Medicare Advantage Dual Eligible Special Needs Plan (D-SNP), which combines the coverage of both programs!

Learn More About Medicare And Medicaid Today!

At Toni Buffington Medicare Solutions, we understand how confusing these programs can be, but that’s why we are here to help! Reach out to us today to learn more about your eligibility for these two programs and the benefits they offer.