Who Qualifies For Premium-Free Part A?

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At Toni Buffington Medicare Solutions, we want to provide you with the most helpful information regarding Medicare’s benefits and options available to you. In this article, we’ll discuss one of the more common questions we hear from new clients and potential clients who are eligible to receive premium-free Medicare Part A: who qualifies for premium-free Part A? Let’s look at the answer.

What Is Part A?

Medicare Part A is typically referred to as hospital insurance, primarily covering inpatient care in a hospital setting. This includes hospital stays, care in a skilled nursing facility (for example, a nursing home), hospice care, and some home healthcare services.

Who Is Eligible For Premium-Free Part A?

There are a few circumstances under which you can get this part of Medicare without paying a monthly premium. Firstly, you may be eligible if you or your spouse have worked and paid Medicare taxes for at least ten years (40 quarters). 

You can also be eligible if you are disabled and receiving Social Security or Railroad Retirement Board disability benefits. You must have received these benefits for at least 24 months to qualify. 

How Do I Sign Up for Premium-Free Part A?

Once you are eligible for premium-free Part A, the next step is to sign up online through the Social Security website or in person at your local Social Security office. When signing up, be prepared to provide information such as your date of birth, Social Security number, and proof of citizenship or legal residency.

Suppose you’re already receiving retirement benefits from Social Security or the Railroad Retirement Board. In that case, you will automatically be enrolled and do not need to sign up. It’s important to note that while Part A coverage is free, there may be other costs associated with Medicare services that are not covered by Part A.

Contact Us Today To Learn More!

It’s important to speak with a qualified Medicare specialist to find out more information if you have any questions regarding your Medicare eligibility or coverage. Fortunately, the team with Toni Buffington Medicare Solutions is here to help! Our Medicare experts are dedicated to helping seniors get the most out of their coverage.

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